From a new beekeepers prospective spring is fast approaching and I can’t get my bees fast enough. I know that those who have bees are still trying to get them through the balance of this winter. Feb, March and April can be like miles 23, 24 & 25 of a 26 mile marathon….almost there but it can all crash with the slightest oversite.
Beekeeping classes start in a couple of weeks through Westsound Beekeepers Association.
Here is what I’ve done so far to prepare for my new hobby:
1) Read The Beekeepers Handbook by Diana Sammataro & Alphonse Avitablile
2) Read Honeybee Democracy by Thomas D. Seeley
3) Joined my local beekeeping organization, West Sound Beekeepers Association (WSBA)
3) Subscribed to and read cover to cover American Bee Journal magazine
4) Subscribed to and read cover to cover Bee Culture magazine
5) Belong to and follow yahoo groups; Organicbeekeeping, warrebeekeeping and westsoundbees
6) Read endless resources online….not just US but a lot of good stuff out of Canada and the UK
7) Purchased 2 warre beehives, 3 boxes deep plus one extra box
8)Christmas was good to me for tools; bee smoker, beehive tool, beekeeping suit, bee friendly flower seeds.
9) Placed my order for two bee packages, one Italian and one Carniolan, should arrive first two weeks of April.
Whats left:
Paint hives
Place hives in yard
Attend Classes
Be prepared to feed new bees
Install Packages when they arrive
So, all in all I’m the new guy who thinks I’m ready to start keeping bees, I’ve gone through my check list, checked it twice….class starts in two weeks and I don’t know what I don’t know…….all part of the adventure.
Starter Kit that you might find helpful